Several years ago I took part in a course on the importance of communicating with MS patients. It was enlightening. Sadly, we live in a very busy world with various means of communicating, but at times I wonder if our ability to communicate well has declined. The goal of each medical appointment is to understand your concerns and answer your questions. It is helpful for you to have a list of questions that you would like answered. For returning patients, it is helpful for me if you can have a list of your medications and make note of any new health problems, tests or hospitalizations. The same is true for new patients. The more I understand of your past health problems, the better I may be able to treat or understand your current issues. Stress can also play a major role in health. Thus advising me of any new stressors or serious life events can also be helpful. In the resource section, I intend to have a form which can be completed prior to the visit, if at all possible. For returning patients you are welcome to email this to me. I am currently introducing a high security email which will enhance patient privacy. Please ask me at your visit how we can set up this email link. In this time where we are doing virtual health care, I would ask that all patients review the Telehealth consent form which is in the resource section.
Do your homework! Advice for new and returning patients.
Kenneth Makus